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Thursday, November 01, 2007

A wonderful November, y'all!

and in true Pez-tradition: Rabbit, Rabbit!


ok, here is a bit of a pickle:

"Oscar The Rabbit says to Mabel The Rabbit "Please hand me the soap"

Mabel The Rabbit replies "We're out of soap"

Then, Oscar The Rabbit replies, in an angry voice, "Well then, no soap... no RADIO!"

does anyone get this joke? Please illuminate me!


Posted by Minka :: 5:45 pm :: 27 Royal Subjects


At 18:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really just don't get it.

Rabbit Rabbit!

I'll be back to see who is illuminating.

At 19:12, Blogger G said...

Rabbit rabbit! Even with this light on my head I can't illuminate you.

Let's guess anyway - because a rabbit needs soap as much as a radio? Nahhh. What the?

Let us know.

At 19:17, Blogger Minka said...

cindra, that makes two of us. Apparently it is very funny...but I think the author is just trying to make us chase our own tail. Which sure is fun for a while, but makes you dizzy.

G, join the group! We are three now, wanna make guacamole?
A wonderful novemer to you!

At 19:20, Blogger Doug The Una said...

I can make the guacamole. The best insight I can offer is that it may not be funny.

At 19:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bring the salsa then...I can make it, but I cannot dance it.

At 20:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I AM obsessing. So?

Upon researching this joke I came to a site that said you are supposed to read it aloud, very dramatically, and you will get it.

I still don't get it.

I think our rabbit legs are being pulled?

At 21:01, Blogger Biene said...

You mean, now everybody pealse yell out of the window: No soap no radio? Sorry, it doesn´t work:(

At 22:17, Blogger tsduff said...

I have tried repeating the phrase upside down and inside out... no luck with comprehension. I'll bring the chips for the guac. RABBIT RABBIT.

At 22:57, Blogger Minka said...

Doug, yeah...this might be the best insight. Someone out there is laughing at my desperation and -to be quite frank- I am not amused :)

cindra, we should make tequilla as well. That way, noone will notice that we can't dance :) I'll bring my feathered boa :) I think they have been pulled long enough. 1.65 is enough of height for me, thank you! :)

MOm, I know. Since I didn't get it, I thought it might be American humor and decided to ask around here...it might be Chinese humor after all :)

terry, thanks... much appreciated...we also need some salt for the tequilla shots! have a good November!

At 23:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I've found an explanation. Cindra's on the right track. It's rather more torture than humor. But then, Americans have discarded the Geneva conventions, so ...

At 02:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ever want anything obscure researched, call OC. The speed in which he'll find it will accelerate in direct proportion to the amount of time you invested looking for it. (In other words, what you measure in hours, he'll measure in seconds.)

At 05:18, Blogger Minka said...

OC, wow...I would have never gotten that. I have decided if a joke needs explanations why it is funny, it misses the punchline!

Quilly, I have noticed that about him. I throw a question and within minutes an answer with 5 links and three sub-comments can be counted on! I deem it a good quality!

At 07:23, Blogger Tom & Icy said...

No Soap Radio is a sociology theory from the early 1950's that people will laugh at an unfunny, meaningless joke if others are laughing in order to conform with the group. It lead to the laugh track on sitcom TV shows. You hear laughter, so you laugh even if it doesn't make sense.

At 12:36, Blogger Mother Theresa said...

I'm confused. Anybody for Margaritas?

At 14:40, Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

Oh my... I reaaaally don't get it... maybe my brain is too fried but those rabbits! Silly, silly peeps...

*Bohemian rushes off to the doctor to get her head checked*

*sighetty sigh*

At 15:35, Blogger Minka said...

Tom@Icy, so who's laughing? Well, I guess I have my own private inside jokes with myself as well...I always knew there must be others like me out there :)

Theresa, *jumps in the air and screams "ME! Me! me!...trips*

Miz bohemia, maybe we shoudl give our average-sized brains a rest from teh insanity of others :)

At 15:45, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Tom, that's the explanation. Well done. We're the punchline. So, where does the name "No Soap Radio" come from?

At 16:13, Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Just go to Wikipedia for the explanation. In this case, all the commenters just repeated each other to conform and feel like part of the group saying, I don't get it.

At 16:18, Blogger Minka said...

Doug, we make excellent punchlines, I think. I mean just look at your nose!

Tom and Icy, so there is no need for me to go there, too. You know what? I think it is ok to not belong to some groups:)

At 17:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like belonging to the not belonging group. Oh, Minka, my head hurts.

Is it time for Margaritas? I have some salt here. Do you want me to pick up a bag of ice or is there plenty already, considering your location?

At 17:33, Blogger Minka said...

cindra...let's party and be happy with who we are: Marvels!

At 17:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No soap, no radio, no joke... no laugh.

oy. now MY head hurts, too.

got any aspirin? how 'bout TV? ; )

Rabbit, rabbit (late, late), my friend! : ) xox

At 23:47, Blogger Tim Rice said...

The joke's not funny or nice; but the rabbit photo tis quite beautiful.

At 11:38, Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

Rabbit, rabbit, late but happy!

At 02:00, Blogger TLP said...

Hey! What happened to my comment?????

Heck. Rabbit rabbit anyway.

At 16:58, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

Happy November to YOU, Minka!!
That joke really does suck.
I read Tom's reasoning, so I get it now.
Let's agree NOT to laugh at dumb jokes, even if everyone else is.

At 17:38, Blogger Minka said...

neva, I certainly hope your November holds no surprises and lots of good old easiness :)

Tim, I thought so too. Rabbit are rather lovely. Thsi one seems to be saying..."What do you want?!"

TLP, someone ate it *points at the picture*

Jamie dawn, a woman after my own heart!


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