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Monika Said...


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I apologize...

for my absence of late, but I am out of town and animals with identity crises need my species knwledge to be pigeon-holed correctly.
For more information about Mrs. Seuss' adventures go over ¨HERE and say "HI", if you can oink like a pig you get an extra point;)
Tomorrow I´ll be back at FULL THROTTLE with a Thursday Trivia and visits to your blogs! I might wear an ape suit, you´ll recognize me by the unicorn horn!

For additional monkey business go to HOMORBLOGS!


Posted by Minka :: 10:18 am :: 14 Royal Subjects


At 11:42, Blogger Minka said...

actonbell...her eis a shout out to you being first! Well done and a lovely Wednesday to you!

At 12:24, Blogger Mother Theresa said...

Animals with identity crises? Sounds interesting...I'm off to the Snark to see if there's more on that. I'll be back tomorrow for the trivia game, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (or "bright-eyed and buthy-tailed" as Igor says in "Thief of Time" -The newest Terry Prachett book I've got).

At 12:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not sure you shouldn't warn folks in advance of the utter cuteness that awaits 'em on the Snark, dear Peguin. between your newest family members and all the latest additions to the farm, it would seem you're virtually surrounded in baby-goodness! i'm wondering how you'll get your voice back to normal after spending so much time out there! Goo goo gaga. ; ) xox

At 13:55, Blogger Minka said...

Theresa, thumbs up on Thief of Time and there is nothign quite like an Igor character. Hope you are loving it! See you tomorrow, bright and however tailed you like :)

neva, yes it is difficult to reach my normal pitch again, but occasionally I have to scream at people when they don´t do their work properly...I ma in good training!

At 15:17, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Oh, I can oink. I can really, really oink.


"Homorblogs." Must be a Diesel thing.

At 19:57, Blogger J. D. said...

Minka...Glad you're back. Missed you. A few days ago I mentioned you on my blog...if you have time, check the picture.

What's this about animals, crisis, goo-goo? I'm scrolling over to Snark to see what's happening.


At 20:18, Blogger Minka said...

Doug, click and you will see :) Your oink was very impressive.

JD. I´ll check that out, self-involved as I am. I didn´t get to proof-read though...we need to work on that!

At 00:13, Blogger Doug The Una said...

One of his boats was called the Kon Tiki.

I know you're out of town until tomorrow but I didn't want you to feel forgotten by the muse of obnoxiousness.

At 10:39, Blogger Minka said...

How can I forget? You have been consistent for the last year :)

At 15:15, Blogger Al said...

Hanging around with pigs!!?!!

Uncle Herbert would be so pwoud.

At 17:55, Blogger The Old Mule said...

I think we all have had an identity crisis. I used to chirp like a bird.

Enjoy yourself!

At 18:03, Blogger Logophile said...

where is my trivia?

Your animals are precious but I prefer Minka even to the puppy.

At 18:33, Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

And what if I don't oink and sound like an actual pig? Now THAT'S pathetic!

*sighetty sigh*

Dios mio! ;-P

At 23:33, Blogger Minka said...

Al, you can learn a lot from them, not being pickey when it comes to food for one, and how to hold your ears stiff all the time for another.

Old Mule, been there, still do it too. Most often when I have been busted by either parent and I pretend not hearing them :)

Logo, that, my friend, is a good question. I´ll venture an answer...about ready in say 15 minutes from now?

Miz B, some snort while laughing, I think it sounds endearing! Anything pigish is sorta cute in my mind these days!


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