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Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Wonderful Baptism!

Mom´s eldest son had his second child. In Iceland the name is not given to the child immediately after birth in the hospital. Instead the parents contact a priest and when it is time for the baptism the child receives its name at the ceremony. I think that causes maximum turn up of all relativesin this old-fashioned institution. Everybody wants to know the child names and you could literally hear the silence when the priest was about to ask the parents for the name. In this case her father proudly announced: Ása Heiðrún! She is so beautiful. I had the opportunity to hold her for quite a while. She didn´t cry, I think she likes me!

Our priest was amazing. I really liked him. First of all, I was late -to no fault of my own- and he waited with the ceremony until I arrived. Naturally, a service like this can´t start without the royalty of this family and I give him credits for knowing that! He also had this new found approach to preaching that made me smile all through the service. He talked human! He loved the kids around him. The youngest generation of our family is a bunch of boys and they are very noisy and run around. They also are curious about the world and confident to ask about whatever might puzzle them.
My nephew: "Priest! Why are you wearing a scarf? Are you cold?"
The priest took at least 5 minutes during the ceremony to explain the symbols on his "scarf" and why they are there, what they represent and so on. It was very well done and accesible to all. Somewhere in the middle of his speech he said: "And I went to the cinema yesterday evening." This is the kinda thing you wanna hear from your priest just before he babtizes your child. No ´So, I was brushing up on the gospels and appropraite psalms last night'. But alas...they too are human and some movies you just can´t ignore. He even had a religious excuse! You see: When Aslan sacrifises himself for Edmund and than later is reborn...he actually represents Christ dying for our sins and his rebirth! It did not occur to me while watching the movie, but it kinda makes sense. Don´t ye think!

Anyways, I am rambling on ...I would just like to take the opportunity and welcome Ása Heiðrún into the world. It is gonna be a helluva ride and I can´t wait to see you grow into the person you are meant to be. The best of luck with it all!

Posted by Minka :: 11:43 pm :: 28 Royal Subjects


At 04:07, Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

Woooohoooooo! The bohemian is numero uno!

Yeah baby, yeah!

Welcome into the world little lady! Your aunty is right, it will be one hell of a ride so strap on that seatbelt and hold on tight!

For now though, drink away, poop away and be merry! But do let your mummy and daddy sleep! That is all parents ask for!

As for your aunty... you are in very good, sweet and mischievous hands I assume! You WILL have fun in life with such an aunty.

She is a Queen you know! Many kisses to the beautiful little lady and her dear, dear Aunty!

At 06:17, Blogger Tom & Icy said...

I love your new look!

At 10:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Und, hat es die Süße geschafft, ist sie die 300.000 Isländerin, fragt sich Kerstin

At 11:50, Blogger Biene said...

No Kerstin, she was born too early for thet. At the 22th of november.
Yes, it was all very nice and relaxed.

At 14:13, Blogger Minka said...

Miz B. thank you for your kind words. And yes, if I get the chance I will let her have fun and we do crazy things, when her parents are not around;) Somebody´s gotta teach a girl the things parents deem inappropriate.

Tom and Icy, I am glad you do. Woof!

Nein, sie ist es nicht. Das 300.000 Isaendische Baby war ein Junge glaube ich in der Mitte vom Januar. Sie haben es im Fernsehen gezeigt. Er hat lauter Geschenke gekriegt von Islaendern weit und breit! Ahhhh...die Islaender :)

Mom, muede?

At 14:23, Blogger Tryggvi said...

Ása Heiðrún sounds like a good name. I actually know the priest as he used to live in Grindavík. He actually confirmed me into the christian faith when I was at the tender age of 14. Of course I resigned from the whole sham a couple of years back. But I think Séra Örn Bárður is a good man and good at what he does. Remember when he married Ragnar and Gerður? I'll leave u with an interesting fact about the priest: His daughter is a former miss Iceland. Lets hope Ása Heiðrún has bigger aspirations in her life. Good luck Ása!

At 15:10, Blogger Minka said...

Tryggvi, I did not know that! All I can go by is that he did a greta job at the baptism, that he was funny and good with the kids. If I would consider baptizing my children, he would be on top of the list as the preist to do it!

At 16:48, Blogger Fred said...

Wow - I've been gone for a few days and you've remodeled. It looks great!

Welcome to Ása Heiðrún, and congrats to you, Auntie!

At 17:15, Blogger Minka said...

Well thank you Fred, I am quite proud of her. I might make her a duchess in my kingdom or something :)

At 17:15, Blogger Minka said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 17:17, Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

What title would entitle me to be a sister of yours and Sar's? Tell me, tell me!

I wanna be a sister, pretty please with a cherry on top! *bohemian opens eyes wide and bats her luscious lashes*

Ooooh! Would that make me a princess? Bohemian minds want to know! Like Sar, I want a crown too... if not a crown, a tiara with diamonds throughout! Ooooh! Sparkly!

At 17:30, Blogger Minka said...

Hmmm...the thing that combines Sar and I into sisterhood is the bashing of our eye lashes, our female power and my Mom. You have all those too! Ergo...you have been a siter all along without knowing it! *queen gracefully hugs Miz B. and squeezes her tight*

At 17:43, Blogger Sar said...

Finally I can get in to comment!

And my comment is: AWWWWWWWW!

At 17:46, Blogger Minka said...

Sar, and what a comment it is! But I agree, AWWWW! I like this picture becaus eit is the only one I have where she looks staright into teh camera! Baby´s got blue eyes!

At 21:53, Blogger Doug The Una said...

Welcome, Ása. Keep an eye on Aunt Monika.

At 22:06, Blogger Tim Rice said...

Ah, Ása Heiðrún is so cute. Thanks for sharing about her baptism and naming. I enjoy hearing about the practices of other people. The priest sounds like a wonderful person.

At 02:10, Blogger Sar said...

Monika & MizB - My sistahs, I was out shopping today and...I found my crown! It so rocks. It's a pink straw cowboy hat with a mini-tiara centered above the brim. I'll have to post a picture sometime.

(Monika - Blogger was such a pill giving me the hardest time getting in and posting over the last 2 days. Welcome to beautiful baby Ása Heiðrún -- how do you pronounce it? -- and congrats to her Auntie.)

At 02:33, Blogger Minka said...

Doug, she will. I couldn´t deny her anything :)

Tim Rice, welcome and yes, there are some special traditons here and it is always fun to learn about other cultures.

Sar, I got a crown last Friday...a little siver kinda thing :)
I guess you´d pronounce it Owza haythrune. It is a pretty name in Icelandic ;)

At 03:16, Blogger Sar said...

Monika - Aw, her name does sound beautiful. I meant to tell you we rented Flight Plan last night (with Jodi Foster), and part of it takes place in Berlin. In that scene they spoke German. I don't know the language, so I didn't know what they were saying. I did think to myself "Monika would know what they're saying". And I had similar thoughts reading through your comments here. I assume "die Iselander" doesn't mean anything as dire as it sounds. ;)

At 04:50, Blogger DeAnn said...

Awww ... welcome, Asa!

At 05:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Asa!
You were blessed to have a good intro, and a fabulous aunt, things are starting well!

At 08:45, Blogger Minka said...

Sar, "Die Islaender" simply means Icelanders :) The GErman language sounds much harsher than it is ;)
I have seen Flightplan some time ago and remember sitting in the cinama screaming "blow onto the window woman, will you already!"

Deann...I´ll tell her that the general consensus is that she is very cute. She´ll like that!

Logo, This child is blessed in many ways I guess. Health, beauty adn being the only girl in 7 grandchildren of my mom. Finally we can buy pink stuff and Mom is knitting her all these beautiful things! And-of course- I am am her aunt ;)

At 17:31, Blogger cube said...

Your new look is beautiful. And so is the new niece.

At 19:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new royal is very cute!

Being an auntie rocks although finding cards for nephews sucks mightily. Niece, niece, grandson, godson...nary a nephew to be found. Harrumph. But Auntiehood is fabulous! Especially when the diaper fills and you can do the hand off: "Fix this." Then when the wee one smells good again you can reclaim.

Hurrah on the newest and first niece! I want a niece so she can wear swirly girly things. More importantly so I can buy swirly girly things.

At 22:26, Blogger Minka said...

Cube...thank you. I had very little to do with both, but proud all the same!

Jenna, in iceland, finding cards for any occasion sucks!¨We have wedding cards, birthday cards, the cards you send when somebody passed away and a card congratualting somebody to the birth of tehir child. And that is it. Seriously. No "get well" or "You´re teh best mommy ever" kinda thing. teh entire family is very happy we can finally shop pink thingies as well :)

At 06:12, Blogger Lila said...

What a great picture! Your niece is lucky...

At 11:15, Blogger Indeterminacy said...

My muse and I want to move to Iceland. Is it easy? (P.S. we're going to a Baptism this weekend, my muse's sister had a baby - but in former West Germany the names are already decided at birth, and approved later by the Standesamt).

At 17:10, Blogger Minka said...

AP3, lucky? Well, I guess she has everythign going for her. She is healthy and pretty and has me as an aunt!

inderterminacy...I did it and I am a former East -German:) It is no problem to move to Iceland. If you like the country you shoudl do it. Jobs, language and people are no problem...maybe I shouldn´t advertise that on the world wide web ;)


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